Tea Starter Kit
Welcome to the exciting world of tea! Unlock tea treasures, and take your senses to new heights with its extraordinary aroma, taste, and many health benefits.
To kick off your adventure, we created this TEA STARTER KIT, an all-in-one & complete package to guide you in your tea journey. Inside, you can find a wide variety of high-quality loose-leaf teas, so you can sip and plunge into the many tastes & nuances of tea, and savor its soothing and calming effects.
Drinking teas is a great way to detoxify your body, as well as reduce stress, lift your mood, improve digestion, strengthen your immune system, and many more. It’s a delightful alternative to coffee too, as it both boosts energy and provides sustained mental focus, minus the jitters.
Through the Tea Starter Kit, we also aim to guide you in the many facets of tea preparation and drinking, as it is a culture beloved all over the world. There are a lot of tea stories to tell, and we can’t wait for you to begin yours!
What’s Inside the Box?
2 Green Teas (Forest Pearl & Sencha)
2 Black Teas (English Breakfast & Keemun)
1 Oolong Tea (Gaia’s Garden)
1 Signature Blend (Hibiscus Dazzler)
3 Flower Teas (Jasmine Buds, Rose Buds and Butterfly Pea)
Plus, we’ve thrown in three freebies to help you steep and extract the deepest flavors, making the loveliest cup of tea.
+ Mint
+ A Tea Scoop
+And a Basket Infuser